- Organize and conduct needs assessments
- Formulate development projects in collaboration with development partners/committees
- Present development projects technical options proposals at CDC meetings
- Organize and supervise feasibility studies as needed
- Formulate project documents and present them at RDCC meetings
- Submit RDCC approved development projects to central government
- Provided feedback to RDCC members after budget hearings and project submissions decisions
- Monitor implementation of capital projects and report progress at CDC and RDCC meetings
- Conduct project assessments and provide feed back to management and CDCs
Monitor implementation of the regional development plan in their constituencies
- Coordinate outsourced planning and development work
- Draft the terms of reference for services design and construction
- Participate to the selection of the services providers
- Monitor consultants and contractors performances
- Organize field visits
Design and implement a quality and users satisfaction monitoring system
- Nurture and consolidate regional partnerships in constituencies
- Ensure that development partners understand and participate in development committees
- Provide NGOs with institutional and technical support (eg: in formulating projects, accessing external funding sources, implementing development-planning approaches)
Facilitate formulation of joint venture projects with development partners
- Sensitize people in settlement areas on sustainable use of energy and water services in their constituencies
- Organize campaigns through CDCs, traditional leaders and development partners
- Put in place an effective system for collecting users payments
- Provide technical support to CDCs
- For needs assessment approaches and projects design
- Coordinate training for CDC members in work related fields
- Inform CDC members on projects planned and implemented in all constituencies
To inform CDC members on norms and standards for sectoral projects design
- Manage operations of Build Together Programme (B.T.P) in delegated constituencies
- Appraise loans submissions
- Follow up on implementation of the BTP
Formulate regional BTP financial and physical implementation report
- Buying food for work/ cash for work and the food security and the nutrition project programs
- Act in the next higher post or as instructed
- Carry out any other reasonable task delegated by the supervisor
Minimum requirements:
An appropriate B. Degree or equivalent qualification on NQF Level 7.